Sanitary Là Gì – Sanitary Equipment Nghĩa Là Gì Trong Tiếng Việt

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clean and not dangerous for your health, or protecting health by removing dirt and waste, especially human waste:

clean and not dangerous for your health, or protecting health by removing dirt and waste, especially human waste :Bạn đang xem : Sanitary là gì  

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Nâng cao vốn từ vựng của bạn với English Vocabulary in Use từọc các từ bạn cần giao tiếp một cách tự tin.

relating to being clean and healthy, esp. to the protection of health by the removal of dirt and waste, including human waste:

The specially designed furniture, for instance, and the carefully designed cast-aluminium handles, sanitary fixtures, and light fittings all enhance the overall architecture.

Without sanitary legislation and local nuisance inspectors to enforce it, butchers and the other offensive trades17 had no incentive to pursue anything other than self-interest.

Here sanitary reform is an unquestionable priority, crucial to the moral and physical wellbeing of the nation”s social body.

They were also furnished with such modern sanitary wares as bathtubs, water closet, hand washbasin with marble counter top and timber cabinets.

Of their own accord, the state health authorities had already started to take rudimentary sanitary and hygiene measures to contain the epidemic.

Within the overall pattern of accelerated late investment, spending on different elements of sanitary infrastructure varied considerably in timing and scale.

Early investment in water without adequate consideration for drainage had its own consequences for later patterns of sanitary expenditure.

In practice, moreover, sanitary improvements contributed to the upheaval of the city”s topography and its reconstruction on a grander scale.

Identifying an “active strain of resistance” to infrastructural reform, the author claims that the great sanitary transition constituted an “attack on domestic autonomy”.

However, sanitary reforms occupied a relatively low place in the agenda of the colonial state during the late nineteenth century.

Lurking just below the surface of these accounts of sanitary progress, there is evidence of opposition to the introduction of “destructors”.

The marginal zone was hygienically deficient both in the homes and the surrounding areas and also in the sanitary practices of the residents.

Sanitary screenings of farm-reared birds should preferably include some complete necropsies, for example of casualties, rather than rely exclusively on non-invasive sampling.

relating to being clean and healthy, esp. to the protection of health by the removal of dirt and waste, including human waste : The specially designed furniture, for instance, and the carefully designed cast-aluminium handles, sanitary fixtures, and light fittings all enhance the overall architecture. Without sanitary legislation and local nuisance inspectors to enforce it, butchers and the other offensive trades17 had no incentive to pursue anything other than self-interest. Here sanitary reform is an unquestionable priority, crucial to the moral and physical wellbeing of the nation ” s social body toàn thân. They were also furnished with such modern sanitary wares as bathtubs, water closet, hand washbasin with marble counter top and timber cabinets. Of their own accord, the state health authorities had already started to take rudimentary sanitary and hygiene measures to contain the epidemic. Within the overall pattern of accelerated late investment, spending on different elements of sanitary infrastructure varied considerably in timing and scale. Early investment in water without adequate consideration for drainage had its own consequences for later patterns of sanitary expenditure. In practice, moreover, sanitary improvements contributed to the upheaval of the city ” s topography and its reconstruction on a grander scale. Identifying an ” active strain of resistance ” to infrastructural reform, the author claims that the great sanitary transition constituted an ” attack on domestic autonomy “. However, sanitary reforms occupied a relatively low place in the agenda of the colonial state during the late nineteenth century. Lurking just below the surface of these accounts of sanitary progress, there is evidence of opposition to the introduction of ” destructors “. The marginal zone was hygienically deficient both in the homes and the surrounding areas and also in the sanitary practices of the residents. Sanitary screenings of farm-reared birds should preferably include some complete necropsies, for example of casualties, rather than rely exclusively on non-invasive sampling .

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On the whole, financial and administrative factors constrained the development of sanitary and public health services on estates.

Các quan điểm của các ví dụ không thể hiện quan điểm của các biên tập viên hoặc của University Press hay của các nhà cấp phép.


On the whole, financial and administrative factors constrained the development of sanitary and public health services on estates. Các quan điểm của những ví dụ không bộc lộ quan điểm của những biên tập viên hoặc của University Press hay của những nhà cấp phép .a family consisting of two parents and their children, but not including aunts, uncles, grandparents, etc. Về việc này


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