Rebate Là Gì Diễn Giải Tax Rebate Là Gì – Top Công Ty, địa điểm, Shop, Dịch Vụ Tại Bình Dương

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an amount of money that is returned to you, especially by the government, for example when you have paid too much tax :

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money that is returned to you after you pay for goods or services, done in order to make the sale more attractive: apply/qualify for a rebate A good number of senior citizens across the state have still not applied for their rebates.get/receive a rebate If you do not currently receive a rebate and are on a low income, please apply to the council now.Carmakers are still using special incentives – such as rebates and cut-rate financing – to sell their vehicles. Consumers who were putting off buying a new car have been lured into dealerships by big cash rebates, analysts said.a rebate of £583/$212/20%, etc. Rebates of $100 are available for businesses who replace old air conditioners with new, energy-efficient models.offer/carry a rebate We are offering consumers rebates ranging from $75 to $125 to buy new dishwashers or refrigerators.Buying your pension through an independent adviser who can rebate all commission will keep charges down. Issuers charging an annual fee will normally rebate part of it either to the cardholder or direct to a nominated charity. It takes the form of a rebate on the interest rate prevailing on the loan market for a given category of borrowers and projects. Các quan điểm của các ví dụ không thể hiện quan điểm của các biên tập viên Cambridge Dictionary hoặc của Cambridge University Press hay của các nhà cấp phép. The flat-rate tax rebate was regarded as the sole strategy for pursuing wider ownership through private pensions. It levies income taxes on output and foreign interest income, it taxes consumption, and then rebates all tax revenues. Advertisements, rebates, and price-wars were the techniques used to commercialize serum that was ultimately produced, marketed, and sold as an industrial product. He proposed a $1.3 trillion tax cut, rebates from which would go to all taxpayers, though disproportionately to upper income families. It is also possible that tax rebates or similar incentives may be provided to companies which show proof of progress in this sphere. They put their faith in the rebates and cut the treads down to the elegant triangular section that became the standard for the nineteenth century. For example, only 10 per cent of baseline oil refining energy use is credited for the purpose of calculating the rebate received by that sector.

sale rebate là gìcash rebate là gìtiền rebate là gìrebate rate là gìThêm đặc tính hữu dụng của Cambridge Dictionary vào trang mạng của bạn sử dụng tiện ích khung tìm kiếm không lấy phí của chúng tôi. Tìm kiếm ứng dụng từ điển của chúng tôi ngay ngày hôm nay và chắc như đinh rằng bạn không khi nào trôi mất từ một lần nữa. Phát triển Phát triển Từ điển API Tra cứu bằng cách nháy đúp chuột Các tiện ích tìm kiếm Dữ liệu cấp phép Giới thiệu Giới thiệu Khả năng truy vấn Cambridge English Cambridge University Press Bộ nhớ và Riêng tư Corpus Các pháp luật sử dụng { { / displayLoginPopup } } { { # notifications } } { { { message } } } { { # secondaryButtonUrl } } { { { secondaryButtonLabel } } } { { / secondaryButtonUrl } } { { # dismissable } } { { { closeMessage } } } { { / dismissable } } { { / notifications } }

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