” Wardrobe Là Gì, Nghĩa Của Từ Wardrobe, Wardrobe Nghĩa Là Gì Trong Tiếng Việt

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a department in a theatre, film company, etc. that is in charge of the clothes that the actors wear on stage, making certain that they are clean, repairing them and sometimes making them :Bạn đang xem : Wardrobe là gì   Muốn học thêm ?

Nâng cao vốn từ vựng của bạn với English Vocabulary in Use từ christmasloaded.com.Học các từ bạn cần giao tiếp một cách tự tin.

As individuals, these consumers constructed rich domestic interiors that boasted impressive print collections, lavish wardrobes and surprisingly comprehensive libraries.

There are competing attractions for the expenditure of the people who were probably restocking their wardrobes after the war.

Suits of clothes hanging in wardrobes were completely destroyed, and then there was an argument about compensation.

Manufacturers tell me that inquiries are already coming through for less cubic capacity in wardrobes.

What about this new development in movable partitions, with the partitions consisting of fitted wardrobes?

Apart from that, one wonders what will happen to the furniture manufacturers when builders include all this vast amount of fitted wardrobes and the rest.

We have also ensured that compensation for the incorrect installation of goods, for example wardrobes will also apply for the protection of consumers who have been misled by faulty instructions.

The housing action trust offers tenants a range of choices in their new homes on door fittings, different styles of doors and windows, kitchen units and wardrobes.

In peace-time labour is returning and materials are more plentiful and exports are more profitable—very profitable—and shelves and wardrobes throughout the country are empty and people have plenty to buy.

The company offers a range of products such as beds, sofas, wardrobes, and dining among other furniture categories.

The house holds a large stage, wardrobes, a music library, storage facilities and seating for 200 – 250 people.

As individuals, these consumers constructed rich domestic interiors that boasted impressive print collections, lavish wardrobes and surprisingly comprehensive libraries.There are competing attractions for the expenditure of the people who were probably restocking their wardrobes after the war.Suits of clothes hanging in wardrobes were completely destroyed, and then there was an argument about compensation.Manufacturers tell me that inquiries are already coming through for less cubic capacity in wardrobes.What about this new development in movable partitions, with the partitions consisting of fitted wardrobes?Apart from that, one wonders what will happen to the furniture manufacturers when builders include all this vast amount of fitted wardrobes and the rest.We have also ensured that compensation for the incorrect installation of goods, for example wardrobes will also apply for the protection of consumers who have been misled by faulty instructions.The housing action trust offers tenants a range of choices in their new homes on door fittings, different styles of doors and windows, kitchen units and wardrobes.In peace-time labour is returning and materials are more plentiful and exports are more profitable—very profitable—and shelves and wardrobes throughout the country are empty and people have plenty to buy.The company offers a range of products such as beds, sofas, wardrobes, and dining among other furniture categories.The house holds a large stage, wardrobes, a music library, storage facilities and seating for 200 – 250 people.

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